Version Control

Working in python means that you work flow is all held in a bunch of text files (scripts). These files are very small on the drive, but they are worth a huge amount (the sum total of all of your time working on them). In order to protect these files, most programmers will have some sort of version control. Version control usually consists of an external backup of the changes to a script through time. This means that if you’re computer burns up, you’re good you have a copy of your script. It also means that if you do something terribly stupid you can go back to the previous version of the script and start again. As an added benefit most modern version control systems allow you to inspect the difference between versions, helping you keep track of what exactly you have changed.

There are a number of version control systems, but by far the most popular system is git, which is the only system we will discuss here.

Introduction to GIT

Git is a free and open source distributed version control system. Git thinks of its data like a series of snapshots of a miniature filesystem. With Git, every time you commit, or save the state of your project, Git basically takes a picture of what all your files look like at that moment and stores a reference to that snapshot. To be efficient, if files have not changed, Git doesn’t store the file again, just a link to the previous identical file it has already stored.

Git works locally; a clone (copy) of your project repository is hosted on your computer. You can commit changes to these files, which will modify your local project repository. It is then possible to push this repository to a network, essentially creating a backup of your project repository. In this way you can work offline and simply update your network hosted repository when you get back to a connection.

Git also has a number of features for collaborating and developing, which basically allow you to develop on a copy of your repository while leaving the original intact. after you are satisfied with your changes you can merge the two copies. This uses a feature called branches, which is out of scope for this lesson, but you’ll probably come across it while googleing.

Introduction to Github

Github is a cloud hosted # what is github #todo mike will handle this

# todo how to use github (how to use with spyder???) # how much detail do we need to go into for git at the moment? pull requests?? or just simple commit and push? # should we outsource this rather than re-creating?… probably not…

Github Classroom

In this course we use Github Classroom to host the exercises. Github Classroom allows students to copy repositories to their own Github account. The new copy is separate from the original repository which allows the student to make changes without affecting the original. The author of the repository (the teacher) is also made a collaborater on the project so they can check in on the student’s work and provide feedback. Our use of Github classroom is fairly simple, we just use it’s copying functionality and will not monitor or provide feedback.